Embodied Carbon
39% of global carbon emissions are caused by buildings. Sustainable building has predominantly focused
on reducing carbon emissions by reducing operating energy. This includes heating, cooling, and electric,
which result in 28% of emissions. However, another source of emissions comes from the construction of the
building, and the mining, manufacturing, and transportation of materials. This is the embodied carbon, which
yields 11% of global emissions.
Once a building is built, you can’t change the embodied carbon, which can be more than 10x the annual
operating emissions. Preliminary analysis suggests that a new construction project could offset the majority
of its embodied carbon by sourcing Whole Forest flooring. Whole Forest is working with SCS
Global Services and the Ecuadorian government to verify this offset.
Whole Forest prevents massive amounts of carbon from entering the atmosphere though long-term rainforest conservation.
Based on the square footage of wood you specify into a project, we calculate the amount of carbon able to
remain sequestered in the rainforest. When you purchase Whole Forest products, you are actively preventing
deforestation and carbon emissions. This can dramatically lower the embodied carbon of your design project.